Sunday, November 18, 2012

Autumn colours

Winter in Canada, just like in many other countries, is a very beautiful season. This photograph is captured at a ski resort where I often go during the winter season. In the autumn though, multiple types of trees in that mountain provide for amazing colour combinations and very beautiful landscapes. I can only imagine what this photograph would have looked like if it were captured in a sunny day. In any case, it is still a great shot.

Friday, November 16, 2012

TT sunset

One day, as I was getting off the train after school, I saw a lot of smoke in the sky. I thought that was odd, and indeed a moment later, as I was moving towards the smoke, I realised there was a big fire in the backyard of a house across the street with fire engines buzzing around it. I ran to my home and grabbed the DSLR shooting a couple of photographs from my balcony. Then went down to try to get some close shots. And there it was, a beautiful, modified, sporty Audi TT on the street waiting for me to capture it. What are the odds of all that happening, so that I am at the right moment, at the right place, with my camera in hand  able to capture this unique car.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


They say one should play with angles in photography, that one should move around and find an interesting perspective when shooting a subject. Well, here is what I came up with when trying to apply this technique. It is my cat, on a glass coffee table. I am shooting from underneath with the 18mm kit lens, which worked perfectly in this close proximity environment. The photo itself does not contain any interesting colours, but by playing with filters, I actually found a combination which worked surprisingly well on this shot and made it in a way very arty. Other than that, I think you would agree that the shot has very good composition.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Wide photography

It is quite nice sometimes, especially for landscape photography, to take a wide-angle photograph. For that you could either use a wide-angle lens, or as in my case take a couple of overlapping photos that can be stitched later using one of many free and paid software programs.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

My Invicta

I have an Invicta watch that I adore. One day I decided to take a picture of it in some arty way. Earlier that day, I had watched a video of photographers making very painting-like scenes by combining different shots of the same scene lit in a different way. I wanted to try a similar thing.
What I did was set my camera to a 10 second exposure and light the watch for about half the time with an LED pen straight from the top. Then, before the 10 seconds run out, I lit a Zippo lighter on the side to give the picture warm light to contrast the coldness of the LED. The only manipulation was to cut the fluorescent hands from a completely dark (without light source) picture of the watch and paste them to the doubly lit shot to get this very fluorescent hands effect. The rest is the shot as it was captured. The surface under is a simple nylon gym bag. I think this is one of my most successful photos, and probably the most planned one.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Wintery Caliber srt4

You have seen these car shots with blurred background for certain. But, using Photoshop is not the only way to blur the background. In this shot, you can see the background has been blurred by simply following the car as it passes using a shutter speed of 1/100 s. It was a bit tricky, of course, as the viewfinder gets black as the DSLR's mirror flips up. What I did was follow the car through the viewfinder for a second before I press the shutter, and then try to continue the same motion during the shot.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Camping fire

Next, I would like to share with you a photo of a camp fire last year. Capturing fire is very interesting. You could go for high shutter speed and freeze the flames for an interesting effect with all the flames distinguishable, or as in my case, go for longer shutter speed and brighten the whole scene also getting smudged flames. The idea is similar to shooting waterfalls.

And then there are the neighbours, who I think got carried away with feeding their fire to an outrageous size.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Here's the start

Lets start off with one of my first photos taken with a DSLR. My camera is a Nikon D3100. Most of the photos, including the one below, are taken with the kit 18-55mm lens. This specific image has a filter applied to it. To be honest, I am not a fan of filters, but in this case it just looked nice. This is one of the rare shots where I left a filter on.